Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Galveston, oh Galveston...

Greetings from balmy Galveston. I hadn't expected to like the weather so well, but I do. It reminds me of being on Kwajalein (Marshall Islands) oh-so-many years ago. I'm still trying to get accustomed to seeing really tall houses since most are built up to protect from flooding. It's kind of strange to see pretty coastline, (very flat) and then some big tall house stuck out in the middle of nowhere. I kept wondering why they were building such tall homes...sometimes I'm a little slow!

Today I got to see my brother Denny. Dennis was born 7 years before me, and we've had quite a sibling rivalry ever since I arrived on the planet. Guess I stole his place as the youngest in the family and he had a hard time forgiving me : ). I haven't seen him since just after our mom died in December of 1999. Too long, but we do seem to go many years between seeing one another. I'm very happy to have had some time with him. He gave me some very cool family genealogical documents; I gave him a sack full of old silver coins that belonged our grandfather. He's quite the collector and I am the family genealogist.

Denny lives in Dickinson, Tx, right on a bayou. It's a beautiful setting with lots of wild life: alligator gars, shark, perch, and real alligators in the water; many sea birds--great egrets, pelicans, pink flamingos (not plastic), black headed gulls, reddish egrets, California gulls, Texas kelp gulls, just to name a few of the birds I've spotted.

Galveston has quite a history--and many beautiful old victorian homes that are fairly affordable by Seattle standards. However, R2 tells me that 20% of the population of Galveston lives below the poverty level which probably accounts for the many homes for sale, along with countless businesses and land.

Tomorrow we'll take in some of the historical and water sights--the Bishop's Castle, Moody Mansion, perhaps a sea tour, and hopefully, dinner with Dennis. Our track record of getting together has never been very good, and given his health concerns, this may be the last time I see him. In fact, he said the same thing to Peggy and Rosemary today. Ah, life.

Thursday it's back to Austin where we'll get to Sixth Street, and maybe the hill country. And of course, I'll see Rich and Amber and Arleen (Rich's mom and my good friend).

And finally, I feel it is time for me to weigh in on the subject of crop pants. I have hestitated to do so because I'm not what you'd call a "fashionista"...but here goes. Crop pants: I won't wear them, but I'm getting accustomed to seeing them around. But here's where I draw the line. Before leaving Austin the other day, I saw a woman crossing the street wearing a pair of black crop pants with bell bottoms, socks and tennis shoes. There was about a 2 1/2 inch "reveal" between the top of the sock and bottom of the pant leg. I know it's a look....but I vote NO on it. I can hardly wait to hear what R2 has to say. I think Peggy is working on something about "muffin tops".

More tomorrow. Thanks for reading.....we love your comments.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Galveston...I love that place! I have very fond memories of a few family trips there as a kid. Very different kind of beach than what we have in WA :)

It sounds like you are having a wonderful time! Don't forget to come home though!

Say "hi" to Peggy and R2...
