Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Shopping for Work Clothes

I took a tour through Nordstrom today, trying to wrap my fashion brain around what I will wear to my new job, which starts August 1. That's a difficult time fashionwise to start a job because on a new job, one must look serious, and summer clothes are not serious.

Sadly, the Nordstrom salesperson was not sure if the Caslon side zips would be re-stocked for fall. I have them in gray and black, but the latter are looking a little like the former, and need to be replaced. Those side zips go with everything, are easy to alter (4 panels on each leg), and are slimming. I am now seeking out a Nordstrom emergency hotline phone number, with grief counselors available if they are needed.

I continue to write a little, but mostly I am reading. I'm reading "The Inheritance of Loss", which won either a Booker or a National this year. It's beautifully written (I'm sure they needed to hear that from me). As I read along, I ask myself why I would consider myself a writer because I don't write like that. My writing is much more stark. But no two writers write the same way anymore than than two painters paint the same way.

We missed the rains in Oklahoma and Texas!

Hats off to Paris Hilton, who will go forth to do good works in the world. Perhaps she would like to take on my ironing.

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