Friday, June 8, 2007

A Hot Day in Austin

It's so hot and humid here, but everyone tells me it's nothing compared to Huston. We met Richard, Kathy's nephew, and Amber, his wife, at their home in Georgetown. They are a very nice, funny couple. Then we met up wit Arleen, Richard's mother, who is one of the funniest, most straightforward people I've ever met. I met Arleen 11 years ago before Kathy and I got together, and I liked her then. Nothing gets by her. We went out to dinner at a restaurant where the oldies from 40 years ago were played, and I loved the music.

Earlier today, we sought out herbs that reduce inflammation in the body. It seems to me that all signs point to reducing inflammation as a way to handle pain. I am getting my eating habits under control - no Diet Coke today and no sweets. I took a yoga class this morning, gentle yoga, and it was lovely. One hour of asana (physical poses), several minutes of meditation and then shivasana (rest). I felt like a million bucks when I left. At this particular studio, you're handed a cup of chai tea as you leave, which is a very healthy custom. We had smoothies and healthy sandwiches for lunch and engaged in a conversation about the hereafter. I'm afraid we're a rather sardonic group with lots of questions and comments.

We came home and I'm afraid I turned on CNN and watched the Paris Hilton drama. I'm a bit of a popular culture nut, and although I am not interested in celebrities themselves, I am interested in the phenomonen of celebrity, which seems a rather recent construct. It has seemed that Paris Hilton has become too famous, and when you become "too" anything, there's a price to be paid. That's the price she's paying. It may have been that at first the law enforcement officials in L.A. wanted to send a straightforward message that they don't want celebrities drinking and driving. Imagine being someone in the family of one who is hit by a drunk celebrity. Paris Hilton has, in fact, lost control of her life for the time being, but so would the family of someone who was killed or hurt by a drunk driver. But then again, Cameron Diaz said tongue in cheek something to the effect that when Paris suffers, we all suffer a little. We are suffering because we cant stop hearing about Paris Hilton and because we are laughing at someone.

Kathy is having a fine time visiting her family here. She loves them very much. Arleen knew Kathy when Kathy was a teenager and Rosemary and I will find out more about those all-important teen years. It may be that I can report some of this on the blog.

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