Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Whaddya mean, "road trip"?

The Gang (Ornellas, Gail & Peg--Kathy is the photographer)

Okay, so it isn't exactly a road trip, but since this is the blog where we write about our travels, I decided to post our trip here. As many of you know, this trip was planned and paid for long before we were laid off. So, what's a girl to do when she's not working and it's time to board the plane for Maui? GO!

Cast of characters: Kathy & Peggy; Ornellas (Kathy) and Gail; Dianna & Marcia (friends of Ornellas & Gail)

Somebody forgot to bring the cord for the underwater camera so at this point I'm unable to download the digital images, darn it, so here are a few from the regular camera. We arrived Sunday--

Secret Beach-Maui

Honalua Bay - Maui (we will snorkel here in a few days)

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