Friday, April 4, 2008


Roma--I think I am in love all over again! Today we explored the Pantheon, then walked to the Treve Fountain and to the Spanish steps. It was fun to see Peggy and Rosemary so surprised when we turned a corner and the beautiful fountain was in front of us. It is such a surprise! We hopped in a cab and crossed the Tiber River to the Trastevore area--the medievel part of Rome. It was fantastico. Rosemary and I are off again to explore some more tonight before leaving in the morning for Tuscany. I am blogging from an Internet cafe near the hotel since we still have not been able to hook up with our own computers. European keyboards are different. There is no apostrophe so I can not use contractions! Anyway, here is a little glimpse of the Trastevore area. More tomorrow, I am sure.




Anonymous said...

Do they have flush toilets in your hotel?? It looks too old to have indoor pluming. -and electricity???
You can probably tell I've never been "anywhere".

signed, "Stranded in Seattle". (where rain falls and toilets usually flush.)

Anonymous said...

Why are the pictures Sideways?
Arleen in Texas

nedoks said...

Hi girls,

Carol and I are drooling with envy that you are in Montestigliano. One of our favorite places in the world!! So glad you enjoyed Rome--another fave.
Hope you had gelato there.

All is well at the office. We miss you, but you're not missing anything at all!

Continue to enjoy.

Hugs, nd