Sunday, March 30, 2008

Almost ready to go

I too am full of excitement about our trip to Italy. It's my first time too! I think our itinerary is absolutely fabulous. I am prepared to be on sensory overload the whole time and am keeping myself (relatively) sane with the thought that it's just my first trip and will go again, so I don't have to see everything this time.

In addition to all the sites, a major source of delight for me is that I will meet Italian cousins (mother's side) in Genoa. I've made copies of some old family pictures for them so they can see a bit of what became of their great, great (great?) uncle Agostino and his family in America. I expect this will be great fun. It's already gotten me in touch with cousins in this country I haven't seen or talked to in years.

That's it for now. Gotta go. Still cleaning house, haven't started packing yet.


1 comment:

Arleen in Texas said...

Have a wonderful time .Wish I could be more worldly and travel to
europe .love Arleen