Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Maui Now

We are resting up tonight because tomorrow is our whale watching day. We'll go out on The Ultimate Whale Watch on a Zodiac Raft. I had imagined a large boat myself, nothing from the raft department but everyone assures me that we'll be safe out there in the Pacific Ocean. We all want to see whales breech, just like on the commercial.

I have thoroughly enjoyed our vacation here; it's been cooler than what we had last June. Others prefer coming in June because the snorkeling is better. Everybody will snorkel on Friday, Saturday and Sunday and I wish them well. I will be on the shore reading.

We miss our little dog and the kitties and all of our friends. We wish everyone was here. We'd like to get Jay certified as a service dog although I am not sure what service he would provide. If he is a service dog, he can fly with us and he has expressed a desire to take a vacation after his busy year of being an iggy ambassador.

We watched President Obama's address to the nation tonight. He is an elegant man who is hopeful and funny.

We drove around a large part of the island yesterday and caught sight of real estate that we cannot afford and no one else can either. There is the lone home on the hill here and there, then miles in between. The sea was beautiful every inch of the way.

That's it from here. Aloha!

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